Botox and minimally invasive cosmetic surgery Toronto
What is BOTOX?
Botox treatment is a minimally invasive surgical approach to reverse aging effects of wrinkles. Wrinkles on the forehead (horizontal forehead rhytids), on the outer aspect of the eyes (also called crows feet) can be successfully treated with BOTOX cosmetic treatment.
How does BOTOX treatment work?
Wrinkles are formed as a result of continuous and longstanding contraction of facial muscles during animation (frowning, laughing, smiling). The active ingredient in BOTOX injectable solution denervates the muscles of facial expression and thus preventing wrinkle formation.
Is the effect of BOTOX treatment permanent?
No. The effects of the treatment can last anywhere from 3 to 6 months and are usually reversed following this time frame. However with continued treatments the results are usually more long lasting.
What is involved in the initial consultation?
Initial consultation requires a full evaluation of your medical history and examination of your facial features including wrinkles during animation (smiling, frowning, etc). To best tailor the treatment to your needs we then consult encourage you to provide us feedback in terms of your treatment goals. In order to evaluate the amount of improvement following the treatment, we also take before and after digital photographs.
Are the injections painful?
BOTOX injections are usually performed without any anesthesia since they are not very painful. Only a small pinching sensation is felt when the solution is injected. For patients who are anxious or unwilling to have the injections made without any anesthesia however we do offer minimal sedation. Please ask Dr. Mobini if you are interested in receiving minimal sedation for your BOTOX treatment during your consultation appointment.
How is the recovery following the procedure?
After treatment most patients are completely comfortable and do not require any pain medications. However, it is possible to experience some pain or bruising around the area of injection, which is quickly resolved. Although normal routine day to day activities may be performed immediately after the procedure, we encourage you to avoid any strenuous physical activities for 3 days following your BOTOX treatment. Possible side effects include temporary weakness of nearby muscles or drooping of eyelids. In case of any undesirable side effects please contact our office but be sure that the effects of BOTOX treatment are completely reversible. Dr. Mobini will explain all risks, benefits and associated complications of BOTOX treatment at your consultation appointment.